How to navigate the employment offer process

Congratulations, you have a job offer – this can be exciting and it’s natural to want to accept the job immediately. But before you accept, stop, take stock and think things through.

Each organisation will have its own process. Usually you will get a verbal offer to sound out the ‘heads of terms’ namely the salary, leave, benefits, start date, etc.

Once you have accepted the offer ‘in principle’ a written contract will be sent to you. You have the right to consider this contract and we recommend seeking independent legal advice before signing.

During the employment offer process, it is important to communicate openly and clearly with your potential employer and your recruitment consultant.

Top Tips

  • make sure you get the offer in writing
  • establish your salary and any other benefits
  • check your leave entitlements
  • agree your start date
  • determine if there are any conditions for your employment (such as having to pass a police check, pre-employment check or drug test)
  • ask if there is a trial period (you need to agree to this at the time of employment, and it should be covered in your employment agreement)
  • your main duties, ie: double check the position description.

For more information on employment agreements visit