How to prepare for an online interview

Screening or video / online interviews need to be taken as seriously as in-person job interviews and the preparation is the same. You need to be familiar with the technology – whether using Zoom, Teams or a phone-call.

Top Tips

  • be ready early
  • turn off your mobile and make sure there will be no other distractions such as email alerts
  • chose a quiet place where you will not be disturbed
  • choose the right room and tidy up - a plain background
  • is less distracting so make sure you check your camera view (know what the interviewer will see behind you)
  • be prepared to be available for a longer period of time than specified
  • have a list of questions you may want to ask
  • do not be overly relaxed or familiar just because you are sitting at home
  • have your cv and cover letter to refer to if needed as well as the pd and any other relevant information
  • put some enthusiasm into your voice and project energy. You have limited body language options so tone and facial expressions are important
  • if you encounter a technology issue, address the problem straight away. This might mean re-joining the call
  • have a glass of water.
  • If you receive a call from a recruitment consultant or prospective employer, it’s OK to take a few seconds to compose yourself. Excuse yourself to close doors, move to
  • a private room and/or turn off distracting sounds.

After the interview

It is good practice to send a brief thank you and re-affirm your interest in the role. If you are working with Sheffield, we will be interested in how the interview went and will be able to debrief you about the interview or any feedback we have received.