3 Reasons why you should consider a contracting strategy

“It’s a common perception that contractors earn more than permanent employees because of their highly specialised skill set. What’s often overlooked are the benefits to the employer who engages and embraces a scalable hiring strategy. Read on and see if this applies to you.” 
Rachelle Weingott, Practice Lead - Contracting 

In the current turbulent economic and talent markets, organisations internationally are experiencing the same issues in recruitment. How do I find the best talent to meet my strategic goals? Contracting is quickly becoming the solution as organisations increasingly adapt hybrid working models to meet demand. 

1. Enables efficient workforce planning  

Contracting is the preferred option when you are unable to fill a role internally, or if hiring a permanent role may not be financially viable. This is often the case particularly in the current economic environment and labour market. We can optimise your workforce by understanding the gaps to reach your strategic goals by connecting you with the right talent.  

2. Accommodates for gaps in key skills when you need it most 

Contractors are not just hired for temporary cover.  If you have a project that requires key skills, contractors meet that need by bridging the talent gap to deliver your strategy for both short and long-term projects. We provide a range of talent that enables the timely and effective delivery of strategic and operational priorities. 

3. Provides cost-effective talent  

If you have a long- or short-term role to fill, contracting is a cost-effective solution to ensure you have the right talent quickly when compared to filling a permanent position. Our contracting specialists will partner with you to understand what your needs are and advise on the best options for your organisation.  

Book a strategy meeting with our Contracting team today to see how we can best assist your organisation.  

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Executive Search and Selection Find people with the best skills, who fit your work-culture and maximise the potential of your business.

Leadership DevelopmentEnsure you have the resilient leadership required today, and can support the leaders of tomorrow. 

Psychometric Assessments Gain insight into strengths and development needs at an individual, team and organisational level.

Career TransitionNavigate change through practical guidance and in-depth career planning assistance. 


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To learn more about how we can help you and your organisation, please contact us