Are you a visionary leader?

"What comes to mind when you think about visionary leadership? To me it requires a delicate combination of aspiration with inspiration, courageousness and innovation. One of the most humbling and rewarding parts of the work we do at Sheffield is the opportunity to meet and learn from truly visionary leaders." - Katy Anquetil, Director Wellington

In the ever changing leadership landscape, how do you know if you are a visionary leader? 

Nine traits were outlined as the indicatory of visionary leadership in a recent article. Possessing at least 5 of these traits puts you into the visionary leadership category. 

At Sheffield, we work with a number of leaders that possess these traits. Our role it to partner with them to make their vision a reality. 
Learn about the traits, and get in touch to discuss how we can support you and your organisation.

  1. Creative
    Someone that can “dream up things no one else is doing and find ways to take those ideas from mental construct to tactile reality.”
  2. Optimistic
    “Optimism in just the right measure is empowering for a leader. It makes the people you’re leading believe anything is possible, that you have a plan, and that when things go wrong (which they will) you will be focusing on how to fix them, not who to blame.”
  3. Daring
    “In order to pursue a vision you will have to oppose someone or something that’s already established… Visionary leaders relish the opportunity not so much to criticise or tear down the opposition or the status quo so much as to say: “Look what’s possible if you’re not afraid to ask questions no one else is asking.”
  4. Inspiring
    Someone who can inspire people with a vision, and “articulating it in such a way that they can understand it and they can see their place in it.”
  5. Persuasive
    “No matter how brilliant your vision is, you’re going to have to sell it… from the top of the organisation all the way down to the individual contributors.”
  6. Confident
    When pursuing a vision, you will be the one people look to for reassurance. Confidence is key here to carry everyone forward without hesitation.  
  7. Obsessed
    The vision starts with you, and development will take commitment. Balance is important here, so it doesn’t take away from other duties. Obsession is a marker of the quality and appeal of your idea” and what drives you to make it a reality.
  8. Adaptable
    “Adaptability is about not having an ego; the vision is more important than you being right. If you can embrace that, and accept the fact that you have to change to meet the conditions, not the other way around, you can adapt to anything.”
  9. Resilient
    “There will be failures, defections, and blown budgets. When those happen, you can quit or you can keep going. If you have the grit to keep going, your people will follow.” 

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To learn more about how we can help you and your organisation, please contact us