Ed Sims and WestJet Leadership breakfast with Sheffield South Island and ISL

Sheffield South Island and the Institute of Strategic Leadership hosted a successful breakfast at Rydges Hotel on Thursday morning with guest speaker Ed Sims formerly an Executive at Air New Zealand, CE of Airways and most recently the President and CEO of Canadian airline, Westjet.

Ed shared his leadership wisdom gained across almost forty years’ experience in aviation, logistics, transportation, wholesale, and retail industries spanning the UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. We heard about his transformation experience, notably within Air New Zealand in the early 2000s after the collapse of subsidiary Ansett Australia.

More recently, Ed’s crisis management expertise helped Canada’s second largest airline WestJet navigate and thrive through COVID-19. The global pandemic hit mere months after he had driven the largest private equity deal in aviation history with the sale of WestJet to Onex for $5.5bn CAD in late 2019.

The chance to commune and reflect on the significant insights of such a successful New Zealand leader made for a very special event.

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