‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress’ is the theme for International Women’s Day 2024. At Sheffield, this has been a significant part of our ongoing strategy for many years.
Recently, Louise Green, General Manager, Sheffield South Island joined the CCHL Wāhine Summit Panel, where she shared practical advice and discussed the challenges women face in the workplace.
As part of this presentation, Louise highlighted that in 2023 only 6 (12%) of NZX50 companies had female CEOs, and women accounted for only 28% of executive management in 2022. This is despite women making up 48% of filled jobs in New Zealand. Figures from the public sector are much better, in June 2023 women accounted for 49% of public service leaders and the number of women in senior management was 55.9%
At Sheffield, our focus is on ensuring the best fit for a role using a multi-pronged approach. This strategy has also led to an increase in female-identifying board appointments, from 19% in 2019 to 55% 2023.

Governance CV Workshops
Louise and Katy Anquetil, Executive Director, Sheffield Wellington have also been hosting Governance CV workshops for Women on Boards, as part of Governance New Zealand and for Manatū Wāhine Ministry for Women.
In these sessions, they advise on how to craft a powerful and effective governance CV for both aspiring and experienced directors.
If you are interested in learning more, we recommend attending an upcoming workshop or contacting us directly to see how we can support your goals.
Contact Sheffield