Lindy Catley's 20th work anniversary.

Join us in congratulating Chief Operating Officer Lindy Catley on her 20th work anniversary at Sheffield! 

Managing Director, Sheffield North Island Ian Taylor shared this announcement about the milestone:

"Congratulations to Lindy Catley on her 20th work anniversary.

Over that time period the business has been through a number of transformations. It’s fair to say that Lindy’s exceptional organisational, commercial and relationship building skills have added enormous value through these various changes.

With the establishment of Sheffield Group, that was designed to service the common functional needs of Sheffield South Island and Sheffield North Island, as Company Secretary Lindy led infrastructure/ IT / website development, marketing / digital initiatives, the ongoing sophistication of accounting and administrative systems and managed a range of supplier relationships and contracts.

At the same time as Sheffield North Island Business Manager / COO, Lindy has not only led the continuous improvement of all our operating systems and structures but also has taken responsibility for components of our consulting capability, including the research function, project management and professional learning.

Personally, I am very grateful for Lindy’s professional partnership and leadership. Her total commitment to the brand and its values, high sense of loyalty and collaboration, astute judgement, swift initiative, and rigorous planning and organisation skills; all laced with huge doses of common sense, resilience and determination, humour and practicality, make Lindy an icon of the Sheffield brand.

Lindy’s 20 year contribution to the strength of our firm is truly inestimable."

- Ian Taylor, Managing Director, Sheffield North Island.

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