New Chief Executive for TDX

We have great pleasure in announcing the placement of Colm Hamrogue as the new Chief Executive of TDX Limited, a leading supplier of construction equipment, diesel engines, generators and transmissions to a variety of industries throughout New Zealand.

Colm brings to this role at TDX significant leadership experience in related sectors and a deep understanding of the transport sector. He is a strong fit to the distinctive and unique values and culture of the company.

After selecting Sheffield through an RFP process, Craig Boyce, Chair of TDX commented “the most important and strategic decision made by Boards of Directors is the appointment of a new CEO in terms of the impact on the business and people that drive it into the future…..Mike Stenhouse devoted considerable time and energy in discussion and enquiry, understanding the business and its growth and importantly interpreting the “glue” which has essentially kept the board and management close… I have come out of this confident of the appointment process and choice made, and grateful for the energy and guidance of Sheffield”.

We wish Colm every success in his new role as Chief Executive.

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