New Chief Executive Officer for Waimakariri District Council

Sheffield were pleased to partner with Waimakariri District Council again recently, in the appointment of Jeff Millward as their new Chief Executive Officer.

Jeff is a seasoned local government professional and most recently has been Acting Chief Executive at the Council. Before this he was the General Manager of Finance and Business Support for 14 years.

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon commented “Jeff stood out as someone who is diligent, strategic, focused and has a strong and genuine connection to the District, its people, and our Council”.  He believes in creating a strong team and working collaboratively on the problems facing the District and sector. While he has been renowned for his financial management, more recently we have seen him demonstrate the breadth of his skillset as a leader”.

Jeff is looking forward to continuing to build strong partnerships across the community and playing a pivotal role in the ongoing growth of the District.

He comments “there are challenges as well as great opportunities ahead for the District. I am proud to be leading a passionate team of people who truly care about the community, in helping Waimakariri continue to be a great place to be.”

 We wish Jeff all the best as he begins his new role as Chief Executive Officer.

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