Sheffield North Island NPS Survey Results Q2 2024

“How likely are you to recommend our organisation to a friend or colleague?”

NPS (Net Promoter Score) is a universal and well-tested measure of customer perception based on this one simple question.

Respondents give a rating between ‘0’ (not at all likely) and ‘10’ (extremely likely), and are split into three categories:

  • Promoters respond with a score of 9 or 10.
  • Passives respond with a score of 7 or 8.
  • Detractors respond with a score of 0 to 6.

Overall, an NPS score above ‘0’ is deemed ‘good’, and an NPS of ‘+50’ or over is deemed ‘excellent’.

Sheffield North Island has been surveying clients and candidates for the past two years to understand, in greater depth, as to how our services are perceived.

As of the end of Q2 2024, our NPS was 81%. By comparison, the Perceptive NZ 2023 NPS Industry benchmark for a business consultancy is 29%.

We are extremely proud of these results which speak volumes of the dedicated, highly professional and knowledgeable staff Sheffield attracts and retains.

These NPS scores are further validated by qualitative feedback from a range of clients.

“…Sheffield showed an in-depth knowledge of candidates, fully understood our brief, represented the Council’s interests and priorities accurately to candidates and provided insightful advice throughout the process. Its ability to build a partnership with us enabled Sheffield to fully reflect the organisational culture, context and opportunities to candidates which ensured values alignment and right fit…”

Meredith Blackler, Director HR
Wellington City Council


“…Sheffield demonstrated really effective communication, they met all timelines, remained flexible to the shifting nature of dealing with Public Sector organisations and provided high quality output on key artefacts.  They were professional and engaging in elected member forums, were a voice of experience and challenged us where necessary…”

Richard Jarrett, Director Group Services
Auckland Council


“…Sheffield has history, but they are also forward thinking, proactive and contribute professionally at all stages…”

Mark Gilbert, Chair
Bragato Research Institute


“In my professional career I have been associated with Sheffield for over 20 years as a Headmaster, an Education Consultant and Board Chairman. During that time I have experienced many occasions where I have sought both Sheffield’s advice and their service. Without exception I have been impressed with the degree of professionalism and service provided by the team at Sheffield.
Whether you are dealing with the Principal Partner or any member of their team makes no difference. Each person has such well-defined roles and disciplined systems they are always a step ahead. Their attention to detail and regular communication ensures no stone is unturned and you are never in doubt as to where Sheffield is positioned in their process…”

Jonathan Hensman, Chair
Hereworth School


“…The advice and guidance offered meant that we approached each step with the assurance that our framework for decision-making was sound. The Sheffield team offered insights which challenged some of our views yet provided us with rational and clear options for consideration…”

Sharon Wards, Chair
Lindisfarne College

“We had been looking for a best-in-class search firm in New Zealand to fill our President/Managing Director global role, with the right network and credentials and reached out to several. Sheffield… has been the most responsive and came across as caring and very personally invested…. They were always on top of things…”

Luba Domanova, Senior VP HR, Precisional LLC

“…[Sheffield was] very good at helping us more clearly describe the attributes and experience we were looking for in a new CEO in order to successfully drive our strategic priorities in future. They were then able to run a successful targeted search and presented to us a group of high quality suitable candidates. This is one of Sheffield’s greatest strengths…”

Barbara McKerrow, Wellington Representative

“…Sheffield is also an excellent brand, well trusted at leadership level and I felt that this would encourage the best in the market to apply for our roles… They are professional and deliver what they say they will.  Plus, it’s an absolute pleasure working with the team.”

Suzanne Boyd, CEO


“…I would strongly recommend the team at Sheffield as professional, engaged, innovative and supportive. The team was highly effective but enjoyable to work with at the same time…”

William Rainger, Chair
The Hepatitis Foundation of New Zealand


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Executive Search and Selection Find people with the best skills, who fit your work-culture and maximise the potential of your business.

Leadership DevelopmentEnsure you have the resilient leadership required today, and can support the leaders of tomorrow. 

Psychometric Assessments Gain insight into strengths and development needs at an individual, team and organisational level.

Career TransitionNavigate change through practical guidance and in-depth career planning assistance. 


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To learn more about how we can help you and your organisation, please contact us