Top Tips for Carrying out Due Diligence

You’ve applied for a role and have made it through to the shortlist. The panel were great and asked probing questions. You like the role and the organisation seems a good fit.

But, just as your potential employer is conducting their due diligence around you and your past performance, it's equally important for you to do yours. Taking the time before you say yes ensures a good fit for both parties.

Here are four key areas you may like to explore.

Is the Culture Right for You?

What is the organisation's reputation, their values, and mission and how do others feel about working there?  Check out the organisation's website and social media, research employee reviews on platforms like Glassdoor, and seek out connections with current or former employees. Do they do employee engagement surveys? If so, will they share some of the findings. 

Pay attention to the language people use when being interviewed and the respect they show you as a candidate. Ask if there are flexible work practices, opportunities for professional growth, and diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Aligning yourself with a culture that resonates with your values and work preferences can go a long way to ensuring your job satisfaction and long-term commitment.

Are they Stable Financially and Commercially?

Try and assess the organisation’s financial health, market position, and growth trajectory. If possible, review annual reports, strategy documents and media releases to gain insights into their performance and future plans. Are they active in areas such as sustainability, environmental initiatives and community involvement? Does the organisation use an ESG (environmental, social and governance) framework for reporting? Who’s on the executive team and on the board – do they have a good track record? Additionally, ask about employee turnover rates, leadership stability, and recent layoffs or restructuring efforts.

A stable and future focused organisation will provide you with job certainty and security.

How do they Compare with Remuneration and Benefits?

Beyond the base salary, consider bonuses, super contributions, medical insurance, and any additional perks or incentives. Compare your total remuneration package against industry benchmarks and your own financial needs and aspirations.

Knowing the organisation is paying you fairly, and cares about your wellbeing, will go a long way to ensuring job satisfaction.

Are there Career Development Opportunities:

Ask about their approach to professional development, mentorship and succession planning. Consider additional factors such as access to challenging and meaningful projects.

An organisation that supports and encourages your long term goals may result in a more fulfilling career journey.

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Executive Search and Selection Find people with the best skills, who fit your work-culture and maximise the potential of your business.

Leadership DevelopmentEnsure you have the resilient leadership required today, and can support the leaders of tomorrow. 

Psychometric Assessments Gain insight into strengths and development needs at an individual, team and organisational level.

Career TransitionNavigate change through practical guidance and in-depth career planning assistance. 


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